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Frequently Asked Questions

How Is Lead Generation Made Easy different from other digital marketing platforms?

Lead Generation Made Easy is an all-in-one digital marketing platform. We have included every tool that you need to successfully grow your business online. Complete with drag and drop visual builders, pre-designed templates, the Made Easy Mailer, and interactive video training.

Including everything on one platform ensures seamless integration and implementation. So, you can put your marketing on auto-pilot and focus on running your business.

How Is Lead Generation Made Easy different from other digital marketing platforms?

Lead Generation Made Easy is an all-in-one digital marketing platform. We have included every tool that you need to successfully grow your business online. Compleate with drag and drop visual buiders, pre-designed templates, the Made Easy Mailer, and interactive video training.

Including everything on one platfor ensures seamless integration and implemantation. So, you can put your marketing on auto-pilot and focus on running your business.

Who is Lead Generation Made Easy right for?

Lead Generation Made Easy is for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and freelancers.

If you:

  • Identify as “Self Driven.”
  • Want a distraction-free environment that prioritizes action and results.
  • Are an independent learner who doesn’t need your hand held to get things done.
  • Trust yourself and learn by doing.
  • Are ready to take control of your business growth and customer quality.
  • Are willing put in effort, step out of your comfort zone, and be open to learning new ideas.

Then Lead Generation Made Easy is right for you.

Who is NOT right for this platform?

Lead Generation Made Easy isn’t right for everyone. We care about your success and want you to make a fully informed decision.

If you:

  • Prefer 1:1 coaching.
  • Are looking for the “magic pill” to become a millionaire. Lead Generation Made Easy requires creativity, discernment, and hard work.
  • Need individualized feedback before taking action.
  • Let small decisions hinder your ability to succeed.

Then Lead Generation Made Easy may not be the right fit, and that’s okay.

Will this work for my industry?

No matter what you sell — products, services, or anything else — you must understand how to effectively share your message, attract and convert your audience into leads, and leads into buyers.

Regardless of your industry, today’s economy demands that you learn how to build trust and create meaningful connections with your target audience using digital platforms. So if you sell to other people, Lead Generation Made Easy can help.

Do I need to be technically savvy to excel?

The short answer is NO. Lead Generation Made Easy comes complete with visual building platforms and step-by-step instruction on their use.  If you can use Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote, you can excel with Lead Generation Made Easy.

Do you offer any discounts?

At this time we are not currently running any special promotions. We do however, offer a discounted subscription rate to the attendees of our live training and classes. If you would like to stay up-to-date with live events, join our newsletter and we will make sure to keep you updated on future training dates.

 Newsletter Sign up

What if I have another question not listed here?

For additional questions or concerns, please visit:  https://app.madeeasybytotalteck.net/support/

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